Тексты песен Metallica и их переводы

2003 St. Anger

5:46 (Хэтфилд, Ульрих, Хэммет, Боб Рок)

My World

The motherfuckers got in my head Trying to make me someone else instead It's my world now Mama, why's it rainin' in my room? Cheer up boy, clouds will move on soon Heavy fog got me lost inside Gonna sit right back and enjoy this ride It's my world You can't have it It's my world, it's my world It's my world I'm out of my head, out of my head Get 'em out of my head, out of my head Get 'em out Who's in charge of my head today? Dancin' devils in angels way It's my time now Look out motherfuckers here I come Gonna make my head my home The sons of bitches tried to take my head Tried to make me someone else instead It's my world You can't have it It's my world, it's my world It's my world I'm out of my head, out of my head Get 'em out of my head, out of my head Get 'em out Not only do I not know the answer I don't even know what the question is God it feels like it only rains on me Not only do I not know the answer I don't even know what the question is I'm out of my head, out of my head Get 'em out of my head, out of my head Get 'em out Enough's enough

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