Тексты песен Metallica и их переводы

2003 St. Anger

5:14 (Хэтфилд, Ульрих, Хэммет, Боб Рок)


Tear it down Strip the layers off My turpentine Old paint, old looks Cover up the past White heat, white light Super white bones Bones of you and I Pure if I… Can't you help me? Pure if I… Won't you help me? Purify you and I Purify you and I Pure if I… Can't you help me? Pure if I… Won't you help me? You and I purify Truth and dare Peeling back the skin Acid wash Ghost white Ultra clean Wanna be skeleton Clear eyes Diamond eyes Strip the past of mine My sweet turpentine I can find the dirt on anything I can find the dirt on anything I ain't dancing with your skeletons I ain't dancing with what might have been

к списку всех песенAll Within My Hands

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