Тексты песен Metallica и их переводы

1983 Kill 'Em All

5:01 (Хэтфилд, Ульрих, Мастейн)

Phantom Lord

Sound is ripping through your ears The deafening sound of metal nears Your bodies waiting for his whips The taste of leather on your lips Hear the cry of war Louder than before With his sword in hand To control the land Crushing metal strikes On this frightening night Fall onto your knees For the Phantom Lord Victims falling under chains You hear them crying dying pains The fist of terrors breaking through Now there is nothing you can do Hear the cry of war Louder than before With his sword in hand To control the land Crushing metal strikes On this frightening night Fall onto your knees For the Phantom Lord The leathered armies have prevailed The Phantom Lord has never failed Smoke is lifting from the ground The rising volume metal sound (Chorus) Fall to your knees And bow to the Phantom Lord

к списку всех песенNo Remorse

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