Тексты песен Metallica и их переводы

1983 Kill 'Em All

4:17 (Хэтфилд, Ульрих, МакГовни)

Hit the Lights

No life till leather We are gonna kick some ass tonight We got the metal madness When our fans start screaming It's right well alright When we start to rock We never want to stop again Hit the Lights Hit the Lights Hit the Lights You know our fans are insane We are gonna blow this place away With volume higher Than anything today the only way When we start to rock We never want to stop again Hit the Lights Hit the Lights Hit the Lights With all out screaming We are gonna rip right through your brain We got the lethal power It is causing you sweet pain oh sweet pain When we start to rock We never want to stop again Hit the Lights Hit the Lights Hit the Lights

к списку всех песенThe Four Horsemen

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