Тексты песен Metallica и их переводы

2008 Death Magnetic

7:56 (Хэтфилд, Ульрих, Хэммет, Трухильо)

The Day That Never Comes

Born to push you around You better just stay down You pull away He hits the flesh You hit the ground Mouths so full of lies Tend to black your eyes Just keep them closed Keep praying Just keep waiting Waiting for the one The day that never comes When you stand up and feel the warmth but the sunshine never comes No the sunshine never comes Push you cross that line Just stay down this time Hide in yourself Crawl in yourself You'll have your time God I'll make them pay Take it back one day I'll end this day I'll splatter color on this gray Waiting for the one The day that never comes When you stand up and feel the warmth but the sunshine never comes No the sunshine never comes Love is a four letter word And never spoken here Love is a four letter word Here in this prison I suffer this no longer I put it into This I swear! This I swear! The sun will shine This I swear! This I swear! This I swear!

к списку всех песенAll Nightmare Long

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